Premium Medicinal Cannabis Products

Our products are crafted within the health and safety protocols of the North Shore Anishinabek Cannabis Association and the revered customs of the Chippewa Nation Crane Clan

Open 24/7 365 days a year!

Spirit River Cannabis is a sovereign Indigenous cannabis brand with dispensaries operating  in the heart of London, Ontario and Grand bend On. The shop has aims to transform Canada’s history of “economic genocide” into a new era of peaceful “economic reconciliation” between Indigenous people and the government of Canada.

Home of the $20 ounce

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From Real People’s Media, comes the autobiography of Del Riley, one of the most important Indigenous leaders alive today. The book chronicles Chief Riley’s experiences, from the hell of residential school, to his escape to enjoy the American dream, to his return to Canada, where he led the National Indian Brotherhood as its last President. Chief Riley’s book will be of great interest and relevance to anyone wanting to know the nature of Section 25 and 35 Aboriginal and Treaty rights and how and why they came to be enshrined in the Canadian constitution. Chief Riley will be promoting his book with a tour in the fall of 2022. Get in touch to bring him to your community!

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Medical Grade

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